miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

What Humans Are

We can’t truly understand how fragile we are.

It only takes one second to steal our lives away, and we aren’t aware of the threats out there.
Nevertheless, this might be positive if we come to think about it… I mean, if we really were aware of everything that happens around us, if we really knew how difficult life is… Would we still have a smile on our faces every day? Would we still think of the world as a beautiful place?

Ever since I’ve watched one particular TV show, I’ve come to wonder if we really deserve what happens to us. Humans destroy everything on their reach if it’s anyhow helpful to please their demands.

Maybe the human race is just an experiment that turned out wrong, and whoever our maker is, he’s determined to fix his mistake and leave no trace of it. Maybe we are nothing more than a messed up lab test. Maybe we were never meant to happen.

Maybe we don’t deserve to be saved.

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