domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Strikes Once Again

Loneliness strikes one more time.
It's always the same. Why does it have to be that way?
Holding on to nothing at all, looking for something meaningful.
Disappointed time and time again.
No roses no flowers to fill my heart.
Emptiness, sadness, always falling apart.

I wonder if things will ever change.

Will I always find myself writing the same entrance?

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Voices In The Woods

If anyone feels like watching a video, I'd really appreciate if you took a look at this short film my classmates and I did as a school project (:

Here are two pics from the backstage:

It is based on the ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK format.


Un Pez Entre La Multitud

Somos puros hasta el momento en que ingresamos en la sociedad. En ese instante, nos deshacemos de la libertad y ciegamente buscamos los grilletes. Nos perdemos a nosotros mismos en el mar de tormentos y reglas, intentando aferrarnos al más mínimo ápice de esencia que podamos conservar…

Elecciones de la Vida (Random Fragment)

Él no necesitaba que le dijesen cómo era vivir. Conocía demasiado bien lo que respirar significaba e implicaba.

Y, por esa misma razón, había intentado acabar con ello.

Había decidido desistir y anular el contrato que otra persona había firmado por él al nacer. Nadie elige vivir. Uno simplemente vive se decía a sí mismo con aflicción. Pero yo elegí morir pensó tristemente y heme aquí, tan vivo y vacío como siempre.

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Those Beautiful Days

I enjoy being who I am now but... hell, I'd love to go back.

Not to change things but to live them all over again.
How I miss being a child, going to school, singing my lungs out when I heard my favorite song.

I miss innocence and dreams. I miss those beautiful days.

The Big Bang Theory Lover

I see them everywhere. I think I'm obsessed with this show. Everything seems to be related with The Big Bang Theory.

Thank you, Chuck Lorre, thank you, Bill Prady, for giving the world one of the best comedy tv shows ever.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Therapy, My Friend

They come to me whenever they feel down and so I listen. We talk for hours and I don't mind, because I care about them and I enjoy being helpful. Y sin embargo parece que sólo existo cuando tienen alguna inquietud o problema para el cual necesitan de mi asistencia u opinión.
It hurts to see those people you consider friends acercándose únicamente cuando quieren algo de mí.

It makes me realize once again how alone I am in this world.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

I Can't Even Hear Myself Think

I can't even hear myself think.
I need to run away and be alone for a while.
I love you, but this is turning out to be too suffocating for me.
If things go on like this, I might end up losing my mind.
Please, let me hear the voice inside my head.
Please, let me prove myself I'm not dead.

Astros Azules

Juego sin sentido en que se inventan frases utilizando SIEMPRE palabras que comiencen con la misma letra.
(Nonsense game in which you create phrases using ALWAYS words that start with the same letter)

Antes andaba al amanecer, aunque aún atesoro actualmente aquella antigua alquimia. Ante astros azules avanzo, analizando alteraciones astrológicas. Adoro aquellas ambivalencias ajenas al análisis arquitectónico antropológico.

Aciertos alternos atribuidos al azar. Arquetipos amorfos asombrosos al alcance absoluto aterrizan ante aquellos admiradores absortos al alba.

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012


"En el otro cuarto encendieron una cerilla, una sombra brotó de repente a la vida, como si la luz y la oscuridad llegaran a una vida donde únicamente había oscuridad."

Entrevista con el Vampiro - Anne Rice.

martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

"Seven Deadly Sins"

Honestly, I'm way far from being a christian and I do not support the ideas church and religion have about most things, but I must say these images are really cool.
(I don't see them as sins but as a result of a fucked up morality, but anyway...)

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Oel ngati kame

Amazingly beautiful scenery and touching story.
I should have watched it when it first came out!
I'm in love.

Rick Okon as Lukas

Don't ever let anyone tell you who you are supposed to be. Nobody will know that better than yourself. (:

Honestly, Sir

Yes sir, I'm constantly rejected.
And yes sir, endlessly misunderstood.
But no sir, no-one ever tried to get me
Oh no sir, for them I'm just no good.

Every Step Of The Way

I know it might take some time before getting where we want in life, but the key is to just enjoy every step of the way.