sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Dear Agony

dear agony just let go of me

A Dios y al César

La iglesia recauda dinero del pueblo y luego simplemente se lo envía a Dios por correo.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


Dream. Just Dream

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Loser [Beck]

You can't write if you can't relate.

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

We've Got A Big Mess On Our Hands

Somebody get my phone
So I can throw it in a public pool
And watch it float
And as it's slowly sinking down
Become a social ghost
Inside a box, cut out the top
To let some light shine in
To remind me of what I've done
And where I've been


domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Vicky Unplugged.

I'd really like to unplug myself now.

Want yet Won't

I won't do it because I know it would be selfish.
Yet, that doesn't mean I don't actually want to do it.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

real friends

honestly, are you selfish?

i don't know. my family says i am. my friends don't.

and what do you think?

well, i care about my family and i don't care about my friends... guess i'm doing everything wrong.

and i guess they're not your friends now are they?

i never call people

well, i wanna hear the reason why you never call your friends.

when i'm with them, i feel i'd rather be somewhere else. i'm tired of listening. sick of the me me me.

oh, now that's a funny answer. think about it.
i'll get back to you.

Refugee (Tribal Ink)

It's so unfair that I can't feel free
That I have to be what you want me to be
Shadows of the past keep stabbing my back
Reminding me of when I slipped out of track

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Ignoring You

you do realize i'm trying to ignore you, right?

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Apuñalada por la Espalda

Jamás sentí un nivel tan alto de traición.
Cuestionada. Espiada. Humillada.
Usen el calificativo que se les venga en gana.
Las palabras no pueden expresar la desolación que mi humanidad vive en este instante.
Todos los sentimientos se funden, pelean, amenazan por llevar la delantera... un remolino abrasador de sensaciones.
¿Debo poner candado y tirar la llave? Porque eso es lo que parece.
No puedo sentirme cómoda o libre en mi propio hogar.

Creo oír la frase "¿Tú también Brutus?" en mi mente repetidamente.

Hoy la espada ha hecho una herida que jamás sanará.